
Palm Sunday 4223-2

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday
2 April 2023
Palm Sunday is also known as Passion Sunday. It is a celebration that marks the beginning of the Holy week leading to Easter Sunday. It commemorates Jesus’ triumphant entrance into Jerusalem, when people laid down palms and branches in front of him as a sign of honor.
Palm Sunday is a reminder of the selfless love Jesus showed by laying down his life for us, and it is a time to reflect on our own lives and how we can show that same love to those around us.
On April 2, we gave birth and welcomed our beloved son into the world and our family. It is a day marked with much joy, love and celebration. Today, on his 25th birthday he is celebrating with Jesus in heaven. Jesus, kiss my sweet baby boy for me!
I celebrate my son birthday with much gratitude, hope and love. I feel you every moment, you inspire my every day. Heaven is real, real enough to suffer for and real enough to inspire hope. Life is precious, miraculous and beautiful.
I love your heart Winston with all of my heart! xoxo Mama
“Love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love.”
~ Mother Teresa

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About Lisa

I am a grief counselor, certified grief educator, certified professional life coach, speaker, and writer dedicated to helping you navigate through life and loss. My greatest joy is to help others, to have the honor to listen to your story, and to offer hope. I am truly grateful and it is my privilege to be on this journey with you.