

Monday Morning Prayer

Monday Prayer

Heavenly Father, we lift up all mothers to You. Bless those who nurture, who comfort, who protect and for their sacrificial and limitless love. We pray for those who grieving today. We ask for Your comfort to surround those who weep. We pray for the peace of Your presence to cover their minds and hearts. We ask for Your blessing on each mother. Encourage them when they are weary and inspire them when they feel overwhelmed. Provide them with Your protection and provision. Let Your presence be a comforting reminder that they are not alone on their journey. Bless them with Your peace and love, now and forever.
In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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About Lisa

I am a grief counselor, certified grief educator, certified professional life coach, speaker, and writer dedicated to helping you navigate through life and loss. My greatest joy is to help others, to have the honor to listen to your story, and to offer hope. I am truly grateful and it is my privilege to be on this journey with you.