
It is our deepest desire to be seen, to be heard, to be valued.

Wellness Wednesday

Wellness Wednesday

It is our deepest desire…

🌾 To be seen
To feel recognized, accepted, validated, understood & supported for who you are.

🌾 To be heard
To be received with attention, empathy, respect and in a spirit of understanding.

🌾 To be valued
To be held as important and worthy of appreciation, time, effort and protection.

One of the most universal basic human needs is the need to understand and to be understood. Feeling genuinely seen, heard and valued is truly transformative and can have a profound and positive affect. There are a few simple ways to help someone feel seen, heard and understood…

🌾 Be fully present
Being fully conscious of the moment. You’re focused and engaged in the here and now with feelings of stillness and peace.

🌾 Active listening
Listen attentively, understand what people are saying, respond and reflect on what’s being said.

🌾 Reflective listening
Listening accurately and respectfully to another person and reflecting the essence of both the content and the feelings expressed.

🌾 Holding space
Showing up for someone, being fully present and without judgment.

🌾 Validate feelings
Recognizing, understanding and expressing acceptance of another person’s feelings.

🌾 Listen without trying to ‘fix’
Our instinct is to ‘fix’ problems but most often people just want the space to express themselves freely and their feelings recognized.

🌾 Practice empathy
Empathy is the ability to understand and share the feelings of another person. When we practice empathy, we put ourselves in the shoes of the other person and try to see things from their perspective.

🌾 Avoid judgment
It is important to avoid judgment and instead focus on listening and empathizing with their perspective.

🌾 Ask questions
It shows you are engaged and interested. It allows you to clarify any confusion or misunderstandings that may arise.

🌾 Follow up
This ensures people feel valued, builds trust and they’re not forgotten

Simply tell your people how much you value and love them for everything that they are.

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About Lisa

I am a grief counselor, certified grief educator, certified professional life coach, speaker, and writer dedicated to helping you navigate through life and loss. My greatest joy is to help others, to have the honor to listen to your story, and to offer hope. I am truly grateful and it is my privilege to be on this journey with you.