Anticipatory Grief
Also referred to as anticipatory loss or preparatory grief.
A grief that occurs before death or loss.
The distress a person may feel in the days, months, or even years before the death of a loved one or other impending loss.
The Emotions of Anticipatory Grief
* Anger or irritability
* Anxiety
* Denial
* Desire to withdraw from social situations
* Desperation
* Dread
* Emotional numbness
* Fatigue
* Fear
* Guilt
* Intense preoccupation with the dying person
* Lethargy or lack of motivation
* Loneliness
* Poor concentration or forgetfulness
* Sadness
* Tearfulness
The Stages of Anticipatory Grief
* Experiencing shock about the upcoming loss
* Denying the reality of the loss
* Increased concern
* Imagining or visualizing the death
* Accepting that death is inevitable
* Preparing for what life will be like after the death or impending loss
Coping with Anticipatory Grief
* Express your pain
* Take care of your physical & emotional health
* Spend time together now
* Stay informed
* Practice love, forgiveness & letting go
Anticipatory grief doesn’t necessarily reduce pain after loss. It refers to the sorrow and other deep feelings you experience as you await an impending loss. Anticipatory grief is a normal mourning process. Grief is a universal human experience. Sharing our grief is how we begin to work through our grief and heal.

About Lisa
I am a grief counselor, certified grief educator, certified professional life coach, speaker, and writer dedicated to helping you navigate through life and loss. My greatest joy is to help others, to have the honor to listen to your story, and to offer hope. I am truly grateful and it is my privilege to be on this journey with you.