Benefits of Journaling
1. Journaling is a very powerful tool for identifying and working through your feelings and emotions.
2. Writing is an opportunity to reflect upon the meaning and significance of events in your life.
3. Putting words down on paper allows you to examine and gain perspective of what you may be holding onto in the inside.
4. The process of writing down your thoughts as honestly as possible allows for self-discovery and self-development.
5. Journaling is an example of an expressive coping method which helps you process thoughts, feelings and experiences by releasing them.
Journaling is one of my favorite, go-to, grief coping methods that i utilize and recommend to my clients. Writing offers a simple way to explore your thoughts and feelings and only requires a pen and paper. It allows you to remain silent and not talk it out if you choose not to. There are many benefits to expressive writing.
How To Begin…
1. Choose your journal. There are no right or wrong ways to keep a journal. You can use an app on your phone, computer or choose a special notebook that’s special to you.
2. Start small. Start out by writing a sentence or two a day. Or try writing up to 10 minutes per day. Do not worry about spelling, punctuation or grammar.
3. Try not to limit what you write. You can choose to write about anything you are feeling, your memories from the past, a loss you are experiencing, perhaps your future self or the person who has died.
4. Keep it simple. Journal on a grief emotion, use a journal prompting or draw/paint your grief.
5. Be compassionate and gentle with yourself.
Grief Journaling Promptings…
1. Today, I am really missing…
2. The emotion I am feeling is…
3. The most difficult time of the day is…
4. My fondest memory is…
5. I want to share with you…
6. The truth I most need to hear is…
7. What I want others to know about my grief is…
8. The most helpful thing in my grief has been…
9. The most hurtful thing in my grief has been…
10. I am most grateful for…

About Lisa
I am a grief counselor, certified grief educator, certified professional life coach, speaker, and writer dedicated to helping you navigate through life and loss. My greatest joy is to help others, to have the honor to listen to your story, and to offer hope. I am truly grateful and it is my privilege to be on this journey with you.