Grief & Loss

Veterans Day

Veterans Day, 2022 Thank you to all who have served and sacrificed for your bravery ...
Pray. Wait. Trust.

Monday Morning Prayer

Monday Morning Prayer PRAY. WAIT. TRUST. During uncertain times like these, it is more important ...

Mother Teresa Quote

"Every act of love is a work of peace no matter how small." ~ Mother ...
Seasons of Transitions

November – Seasons of Transitions

November Seasons of Transitions Seasons of transitions can be hard. Do you have a grief ...

Self Care Sunday

Self Care Sunday self-care /,self'ker/noun the practice of taking action to preserve or improve one's ...

Grief Quotes

Sit with it. Sit with it. Sit with it. Even though you want to run. ...

Morning Afternoon Affirmations

Monday Afternoon Affirmations I AM beautiful - Ecclesiastes 3:11 I AM enough - 2 Corinthians ...

Grief Quotes

"There is comfort and even healing in the presence of people who know how to ...

Grief Can Be Transformative

Grief can be one of our most prominent teachers in life. Grief can be an ...

Monday Morning Prayers

Monday Morning Prayers Me: "God, I don't know where to start." God: "With Me. You ...

About Lisa

I am a grief counselor, certified grief educator, certified professional life coach, speaker, and writer dedicated to helping you navigate through life and loss. My greatest joy is to help others, to have the honor to listen to your story, and to offer hope. I am truly grateful and it is my privilege to be on this journey with you.